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Why Register

Newscom is not the only way to get content, but it is the fastest and easiest way with the largest selection. So why go anywhere else? Not convinced? We are sure after you take a look at our reasons you will be convinced.

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We're the BIGGEST.

Newscom is not the only way to get content, but it is the fastest and easiest way with the largest selection. So why go anywhere else? Newscom has partnered with more than 150 of the world's top photographers and agencies to bring all the multimedia content you need together, in one quick and easy place. Not convinced? We're sure after you try Newscom out and spend some time looking at our reasons for using Newscom you won't be able to wait to sign up. So go ahead and keep reading, or just cut right to the chase and sign up now.

So why is our content larger and more relevant? Because Newscom has partnered with more than 150 of the world's top photographers and photo agencies like Reuters, AFP, Zuma, WENN and Ai Wire. Every day these providers send content in from all over the world. More than 40,000 images, graphics, illustrations, news stories and more are added to Newscom so you get the freshest images from the world's best.

Our content library has depth and diversity unseen in the industry, and using Newscom is sure to set you apart from the pack. Our customers tell us that when they couldn't find it anywhere else, they found it on Newscom.

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We're the EASIEST.

Let's be realistic, you don't have time to spend hours searching for the perfect image. We understand, either your department has just been cut in half (your derisive laugh tells us your "department" is just you), or your resources in general are getting thinner and you can't find the time to get everything done. We can help.

Because we've combined the best content from the industry's best you don't have to take time searching through multiple sites to find what you are looking for. Remember the volcano in Iceland? Let's say you want a whole package with pics, art and a story. Well, Newscom has a text story about how much money airlines lost from the ash cloud, a cartoon about flights being cancelled, a graphic about the spread of the ash over Europe and absolutely stunning shots of lava and lightning spewing out of the mouth of Eyjafjallojokull. Best of all, you didn't even have to search. Just send us a research request and we'll send you back just the content you want - for free. How's that for doubling your department?

Best of all, no need to put all of that content into your shopping cart just to see whether it meets your budget, we put all of the pricing right by the image no matter how you want to use it (cover, ¾ page, spot use, etc.) and we've taken care of all of the licensing and rights so you don't have to worry. Just click download.

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That was Nice

We like our customers, really, so we try to make Newscom as user-friendly as possible and give you all the resources and tools you need (we mentioned pricing and customer support, but there is also an easy system for creating and sharing lightboxes, an ability to view and manage accounts and even a way to add comments to the images you download so it's easier for you to keep track of what you need and use). And all this without frustrating subscriptions or contracts. It's just an easy way to get what you need, when you need it.

So how'd we do?

Did we convince you that Newscom is the biggest, easiest, and nicest content and image provider out there? Perhaps you just need to try it for yourself. Click here to get started and you could qualify for a free trial. Just another way of letting you know we remember who we work for.

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